Using TeamUp!
Step 1: Sign in or create an account and get directed to the home page.
Creating Projects:
Step 1: On the home page click on “Create a new project”
Step 2: Type project name, fill in description of the project, and click on roles needed for the project. To add roles not listed, you can type in your specific role on the side and click add. After finishing wait for users to apply to the project.
Step 3: Go to your project page (Profile -> “Project name”) and view whoever applied to your project. Look at their description and click on either “Accept” if you accept them or “Reject” if you don’t want them.
Applying to Projects:
Step 1: On the home page click on “View Projects”
Step 2: Look at the available projects, find a project that you would like and a position you wish to join and click on “view”.
Step 3: To apply for a position click on the drop down menu to see the available position, and after type in how many years of experience you have. After wait for a response from the project creator.
Other things you can do
Upvote: You can upvote a project you really like by simply clicking on the arrow up button.
Filtering: On the “projects” page above the listed projects there is a button names “Filter by Skill”. From there you can click it to view available positions that might interest and click “go” so that it can filter your to available project with the position you want to fulfill.
Have Fun Teaming Up!