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What we learned from prototyping?



     Throughout the prototype process, we learned different things about how people interact with our app. We wanted to create an app that allowed people to create groups for unique projects and for users to find members of diverse skills sets to accomplish such tasks. From our first prototype, we learned that other than filling out some forms, the app didn’t provide too many interactions, and thus we created a working mock that allowed more users to interact with our app. In our second prototype, we allowed users to manually create their projects and add their own unique roles to allow more flexibility.


    Along with that, there are also applicants wanting to join a particular project can by applying and choosing the roles they want and why they fit for that role. We also allow project creators to be able to accept or deny any applicants on their own unique project page. For viewing projects, we create an easy way for users to find any projects they want. Each project is listed based off of popularity, so the project with the most upvotes will be displayed first and included a search feature based off roles. Through the feedback, we receive from our second prototype we found that overall for project creators many found that creating projects was a relatively easy process. They mentioned that there weren’t many limitations to the functionality and overall did what it was supposed to do. that there is a confusing they found system. They found that it wasn’t really necessary due to making how it makes it hard to see other newer projects, one even mentioning that they didn’t know there was an upvote system. Some improvements they recommended was more visuals in terms of roles information, and a better filtering system, since many people create their own roles its hard find the correct roles without knowing the exact words someone would describe for their role. For the applicants overall they found that applying for a project was pretty simple, the functionality of the app worked well and smooth overall. Similar to the project creators they found that the upvoting system wasn’t really necessary as it didn’t add to anything to the app. There was also a lot of recommendation that users gave, some of it is that applicants didn’t know what to do after applying for the projects. consisted of the upvoting.


    Another is that they wished for more information pertaining to the project and each what each role does and more descriptions for the project so that they know what they are getting into. Another is allowing applicants to input more information about themselves; a description of themselves and experiences, more like a resume. They also mentioned maybe helping in trying to communicate with other team members so that they can get a feel of their other members, along with maybe implementing some kind of personality trait, and one person did mention to make the flow more simple rather than having to click around to find what to do next. Although our second prototype did address the lack of interaction of our first prototype, it seemed we missed the mark, which pertains on the constraint of the project, that being to create an app that can update at real-time. Our app doesn’t particular update or have interaction in real-time, which was pointed out to us after we presented the second prototype. To address this we wanted to include a status bar that updates in real time. This status bar will provide people information of which rolls are filled and when the project is full. Also, we want to highlight which teams are still available to join to promote more people that are looking for a group to view and join. roles; a small description in


    Looking to future improvements, we would probably remove the upvoting system and allowed more users to post for information for both the project creation and applicant for the project. We would also think about adding a communication feature that allows party members to communicate with one another, like a chatbox, project message board, etc. Along with that provide a method of promotion unfilled rolled and incomplete groups.

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